Friday, April 25, 2008

My thoughts and feelings on Andrew Lloyd Webber

Today in my blog, I’m going to talk about something that I am not too fond of, and that is Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. Some people (in fact, many people) regard his work as genius, but I, for one, think otherwise.

With ALW, I just think that it’s basically the same stuff every time. He has found a formula that works, and is using it over and over again apparently.
I actually find some (ok, most) of the songs that in his musicals to be not good at all. Believe it or not, I actually find “Phantom of the Opera” and “Cats” to be rather boring. The only songs from “Phantom of the Opera” that I like are “Phantom of the Opera,” and “Music of the Night”. And from “Cats”, I only really LOVE “Memory”. And then there’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” from “Jesus Christ Superstar”. Those 4 songs are where it’s at for me.

Now, let’s talk about some of his other stuff. And yes, I did do a little research for this blog, because how in the hell would I remember all of this crap about someone that I don’t really like anyway? Thank GOD for

Ok. We all know about some of his “more famous” stuff, so I won’t mention those really.

He did a show called “Aspects of Love,” and that lasted less than a year. A revival of “Joseph”, less than 6 months. A revival of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” only 4 ½ months. He created this show called “By Jeeves” back in 2001 that only lasted 2 months. If he was as good as everybody says that he is, don’t you think that he would create something that would have more longevity? Most recently, he wrote music for a musical called “The Woman in White”. This “masterpiece” lasted for 3 months.

When he produced shows…

Did you ever hear of a show called “La Bete”? Didn’t think so. It only lasted less than a month on Broadway. Who the heck would want to put their name on something like that? He also produced a show called “Bombay Dreams”. Now, I have heard of that show, but here’s the thing. I had NO IDEA that he was involved in that show. Not a good sign, is it?
This “musical genius” is currently working on a sequel for “Phantom of the Opera”. I believe that the sequel to “Phantom of the Opera” is going to be called “The Phantom of Manhattan”. Don’t even get me started on this one. Ok. I guess I will say a few things. Why set a sequel so far away from the original? And another thing. Why would he want to ruin something that already wasn’t that great to begin with? I sure as hell wouldn’t.

Sometimes, I just get the feeling that Andrew Lloyd Webber is just in it for the money. What do you think?


Matthew Paessler said...

Yes, I agree with all of that. I didn't realize he did Woman in White though, not that it matters cause I haven't seen or heard it but whatever. And yeah, I'm so behind on my blog. I fell off the face of the earth. It hurt.

Anonymous said...

If "Phantom" is so horrible, then why is it currently the longest-running show on Broadway?