Saturday, April 19, 2008

What am I doing?

Right now I am watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I have never seen the movie all of the way through, so I went to my school’s library, and I rented it (along with 5 other movies, although some aren’t really movies). You may be wondering what I got. Ok, ok. I’ll tell you.

I got:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Into the Woods
Supersize Me
Sling Blade
Gypsy <-- with Natalie Wood
Peter Pan

Watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory all the way through for the first time has got me thinking. How scary does Johnny Depp look as Willy Wonka.? I don't know about you, but if I were a little kid, I would probably be scared out of my freaking mind. He just looks too wierd.

Anyway.... I've also realized that when they made this into a movie again (from the original), they left out my out one of my favorite scenes. Do you remember the scene in the original where Charlie and his grandfather broke away from the group and they walked into that room and drank the Fuzzy Lifting drinks, and then they started rising up? I don't know why, but I just loved that scene. I just thought it was so cool.

I loved the original, but this one is good too. But, if I had to choose, I would say that the original was better. I mean, it is the original, and it's Gene Wilder. How could you not love him???

Oh, and I almost forgot. I want to tell you about something that I bought a few days ago that I am so excited about. I bought "The Cronicles of Narnia". Yes, it's all the books in one big book. I got it because I remembered reading them when I was a child, and a couple of days ago when I was shopping, i thought it would be cool to read them again, so I went to the bookstore, and bought that big book. I can't wait to start reading it.

I'll probably start reading it tonight after I get back from thisbig fair/block party thing that my school is throwing, which will probably end around 11. It starts at 8, so I'l be there for 3 hours. But honestly, I don't think I'll get tired of it.

Anyway, I am going to go to the cCaf right now to get something to eat, so I'll talk to you later.

Until next time...


Matthew Paessler said...

I LOVE Into the Woods, it's my favorite. My friend has my DVD, I need to get that back... anyways, yes, I loved the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie at first, but then I tried to watch it a second time and couldn't sit through it. Same with Corpse Bride... *shrug*

Matthew Paessler said...

Oh and I love how I bug you to update then I don't for like four years.