Saturday, April 26, 2008

The World's Biggest Procrastinator

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I am a HUGE PROCRASTINATOR.

Case proven right now.

Right now, I am supposed to be studying for my finals that are next week, but I'm NOT!!! I bet you're wondering... What am I doing? Well right now,, besides typing this blog out to you guys, I am watching the NFL Draft. Yeah, I know. I am acting like SUCH A GUY right now. Why would a girl like me watch the draft? I don't know. I just like watching it. I can't really tell you what it is about it that I like.

Anyway. Enough of the draft talk.

I so cannor wait for this semester to be over. That would mean that my first year of college would be over. I seriously can't believe that it is almost here! It's gone by so fast!

England is just around the corner. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT!!! I am beyond extatic. I am actually going to be there for a whole month! I'll be there from May 6th to June 5th. England is my favorite country in the whole world, so I bet you can see why I can't wait to go.

Well, I know that this blog is really short, but I just really can't think of what to blog about right now, even though I felt like blogging. Oh well!

Until next time...

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